<% response.expires=-1 dim a(30) 'Fill up array with names a(1)="Anna" a(2)="Brittany" a(3)="Cinderella" a(4)="Diana" a(5)="Eva" a(6)="Fiona" a(7)="Gunda" a(8)="Hege" a(9)="Inga" a(10)="Johanna" a(11)="Kitty" a(12)="Linda" a(13)="Nina" a(14)="Ophelia" a(15)="Petunia" a(16)="Amanda" a(17)="Raquel" a(18)="Cindy" a(19)="Doris" a(20)="Eve" a(21)="Evita" a(22)="Sunniva" a(23)="Tove" a(24)="Unni" a(25)="Violet" a(26)="Liza" a(27)="Elizabeth" a(28)="Ellen" a(29)="Wenche" a(30)="Vicky" 'get the "suggest" parameter from URL q=ucase(request.querystring("suggest")) 'lookup all hints from array if length of q>0 if len(q)>0 then hint="" for i=1 to 30 if q=ucase(mid(a(i),1,len(q))) then if hint="" then hint=a(i) else hint=hint & " , " & a(i) end if end if next end if 'Output "no suggestion" if no hint were found 'or output the correct values if hint="" then response.write("no suggestion") else response.write(hint) end if %>