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JAVA Exercises

Syntax4 q
Output Text3 q
Output Numbers3 q
Comments3 q
Variables3 q
Print Variables4 q
Multiple Variables3 q
Variable Names3 q
Data Types3 q
Numbers4 q
Boolean Types3 q
Characters4 q
Type Casting5 q
Operators5 q
Strings5 q
String Concatenation3 q
Strings and Numbers3 q
Special Characters3 q
Math4 q
Booleans4 q
If5 q
If Else3 q
Else If3 q
Short Hand If Else3 q
Switch3 q
While Loops3 q
Do While Loops3 q
For Loops4 q
Nested Loops3 q
For-Each Loops3 q
Break and Continue4 q
Arrays5 q
Arrays and Loops3 q
Multidimensional Arrays4 q
Methods4 q
Method Parameters4 q
Return Values4 q
Method Overloading3 q
Scope3 q
Recursion3 q
OOP3 q
Classes/Objects5 q
Class Attributes4 q
Class Methods3 q
Constructors4 q
Modifiers3 q
Encapsulation3 q
Packages3 q
Inheritance3 q
Polymorphism3 q
Inner Classes4 q
Abstraction3 q
Interface5 q
Enums3 q
User Input4 q
Date3 q
ArrayList6 q
LinkedList6 q
List Sorting4 q
HashMap4 q
HashSet4 q
Iterator4 q
Wrapper Classes4 q
Exceptions4 q
Regular Expressions5 q
Threads3 q
Lambda Expressions4 q
Advanced Sorting3 q
Files3 q
Create and Write to Files3 q
Read Files3 q
Delete Files3 q

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