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NUMPY Exercises

Introduction3 q
Creating Arrays4 q
Indexing Arrays5 q
Slicing Arrays5 q
Data Types5 q
Copy vs View3 q
Shape Arrays3 q
Reshape Arrays3 q
Iteration Arrays3 q
Join Arrays3 q
Split Arrays3 q
Search Arrays3 q
Sort Arrays3 q
Filter Arrays3 q
Random3 q
Random Data Distribution3 q
Random Permutation3 q
Normal Distribution3 q
Binomial Distribution3 q
Poisson Distribution3 q
Uniform Distribution3 q
Logistic Distribution3 q
Multinomial Distribution3 q
Exponential Distribution3 q
Chi Square Distribution3 q
Rayleigh Distribution3 q
Pareto Distribution3 q
Zipf Distribution3 q
Ufuncs3 q
Create Ufunc3 q
Simple Arithmetic3 q
Rounding Decimals3 q
Logs3 q
Summations3 q
Products3 q
Differences3 q
Finding LCM3 q
Finding GCD3 q
Trigonometric3 q
Hyperbolic3 q
Set Operations3 q

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